Should The KL Bazaar organise a bazaar....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Based on requests.

Hi all, 
a lil note from The KL Bazaar.
i've received a couple of mails, asking the story tags to not be anonymous as that has been going around for another site.
instead, they asked me to make a story, for people who wish to put their names there, as they have nothing to hide.
so, i thought of the pros and cons of this, before i decided to go ahead with it.

Pros : 
1) Nobody trashes nobody without proper evidence or proof.
2) Everybody handles it in a civilised manner.
3) When buyers lost touch of their sellers after they've made payment or anything negative, they will post the seller's name, and i will seek confirmation first, before posting this out.
4) No more fake stories, and accusations.
5) You will know which seller is reliable, which is not, based on true stories.
6) You will know which buyer is telling the truth, which is accusing a seller, based on true stories.
7) Everybody's welcome here. Just, please, make sure the stories are authentic, i cannot stress this more.

Cons :
1) No more random spamming for girls who want to purposely cause a scene.
2) No more feelings of being "unwelcomed".

Therefore, i've disabled the anonymous comment, to ensure that every person related to the story, will not be accused, or trashed anonymously without proof.
The KL Bazaar will clarify and further investigate on the matter, if you would like us to, and we'll do our best.
if you wish to have a more solid story, do provide us with proof and we will post it up as well, eg, print screens of emails.
Thank You for your kind cooperation, and effort into making this a success.

Be kind to one another, girls.

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